Jeff Bezos and Amazon Making Moves in the NFL


Jeff Bezos is also rumored to be interested in buying the Broncos as a team for four billion dollars approximately which, what I read, was two percent of his net worth and that is the equivalent of the average median household paying twenty-five hundred dollars. so, like going on a small vacation this is just FU money.  “Here's four billion dollars just you know “I’ve earned it” like you said “ I earned it let's just buy the Denver Broncos “


Well, it's just a different way of thinking I guess right? When most people, when they think of it like you know “ I’ve had a good week a good year it's time for me to take a week off and go to a ski lodge with my family”,  Bezos looks around it's like “ I’ve had a good year you know I made 10 billion I went to outer space, I deserve a week off so  I’m going to buy the Denver Broncos.”


Absolutely, but the final triage of that information, which may be why he's trying to get into It, so much maybe get a little extra vote in the owner's box. Amazon has been rumored to have offered 2.5 billion dollars to buy the streaming rights to Sunday NFL Sunday ticket games which I personally think would be incredible. Because I don't have DirecTV I would love to have Sunday ticket and I would pay a hefty sum to be able to stream Sunday ticket games like any game I want to. It's a shame I can't see every Baltimore game. Of course, I would never illegally watch them on the internet. But no I wouldn't do that uh that would be crazy. I think it streaming is the future and the NFL has been archaic. They need to get with the times on that.


Yeah, I agree 100 percent. I remember as a little kid growing up I would you know mow lawns and do chores and stuff like that to save up money for Sunday ticket. So, i grew up in Florida so I got to watch a lot of the Jaguars and that on tv all the time.  I hated it so I actually saved up and my parents would get Sunday ticket and I’d pay them obviously so I’m a hundred percent about this.

 I just can't wait to see the amazon prime membership deals. Like you order you know four textbooks and a plushie doll and you get to watch Chiefs-Patriots for free the next week.  I’m excited for those deals that's those that'll be good.


That's the kind of economy, buy one get one NFL Sunday ticket game for free.


I kind of hope that they set it up where, if you don't sign up for Amazon Prime you have to watch like

Browns- Bengals.


Yeah like you have to watch terrible games .


Yeah you watch like Houston Detroit or something like that.


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